Have you ever wondered which book of the entire Bible is the shortest? In the English translation, it is 2 John at 321 words. I didn’t know that!
In the Old Testament, the Book of Obadiah is the shortest book with 645 words in its single chapter. It is also the shortest book in the Hebrew language as it only contains 21 verses.
In the New Testament books, the shortest book of the Bible in the original Greek is 3 John with a word count of about 200.

Since most of us do not read the Word of God in its original languages (Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic), I counted the number of words in English based on the ESV version, including chapter titles but not footnotes.
Consequently, if you have challenged yourself to study the Bible by reading the shorter book to the longest book in order (and in English), then start with 2 John.
Is Third John the Shortest Book in the New Testament?
In the original Greek language, the third Epistle of John wins the short book category. However, in the English language, the winner is second John. Actually, 2 John is a short letter rather than a book, which also contains the fewest verses.
The Apostle John, who wrote the Gospel of John (as well as the prophetic Book of Revelation on the Island of Patmos), also wrote the general letters of 1, 2, and 3 John.
Though these letters contain fewer words, their powerful message was to encourage believers in the wake of the rising controversy. Some believers had left their Christian congregations amidst rising trouble and false teachers.

The Top Five Shortest Books in the Bible
These five shorter books in the Bible contain the same number of chapters: only one. In order from the shortest first, they are:
- 2 John: 321 words, 13 verses, 1 chapter
- 3 John: 323 words, 15 verses, 1 chapter
- Philemon: 496 words, 25 verses, 1 chapter
- Jude: 639 words, 25 verses, 1 chapter
- Obadiah: 645 words, 21 chapters, 1 chapter

What is the Longest Book in the Bible?
The Book of Psalms wins the prize for the longest book with 45,262 words and 2,461 verses contained in 150 chapters (again, in English). In fact, it has double the total number of verses to the second runner-up, the Book of Jeremiah (1,364 verses).
In comparison to another poetry book, the Song of Solomon contains 2,750 words in 117 verses over 8 chapters.
The length of the books of the Bible varies greatly. However, its sacred texts reveal the meaning of life.

What is the First Book in the Bible?
The Book of Genesis is the first book of the Bible, as well as the first of the Old Testament books. It is the fourth longest book in Scripture with 38,302 words and 1,533 verses contained in 50 chapters.
Genesis is a great place to start studying the historical books of the Old Testament. It lays the historical foundation for the entire Bible. It is the epic adventure of the people of Israel that points to a promised land through encounters with specific individuals.
From the first to the last book, Genesis to Revelation, we encounter major prophets, minor prophets of God, Israel’s history, and your future into eternity with Jesus.

What is the First Book of the New Testament?
The Book of Matthew is the first book in the Bible. It is also the first Gospel contained in the New Testament. It outlines the genealogy and life of Jesus.
Matthew also shares the Good News of Salvation for new believers. Through this Gospel, you witness the saving ministry of Jesus for the first time in the New Testament.
There are four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The first three are called the “Synoptic Gospels”, while John’s Gospel is unique.

Which is the Longest Gospel?
The Book of Luke comes in first as the longest Gospel with 26,461 words, with the Gospel of Mark as the shortest Gospel with 15,479 words.
Incidentally, Luke’s Gospel is the longest book in the entire New Testament, with the Book of Acts coming in second at 24,845 words.
The Gospels hold the greatest love story of all time: Jesus Christ. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, those red letter words of Jesus in the Gospels still work to cultivate a strong faith in Christians today.

Where to Start Reading the Bible
As you work your way through Scripture in Bible study, you will eventually cover the whole thing. However, I suggest starting with the Book of John.
John’s Gospel is the beautiful story of Jesus’ life. Since John wrote this Gospel decades after the other three, this Gospel contains stories not found anywhere else in the entire book.
Then follow John with the Book of Romans. Romans teaches essential Christian doctrine and beliefs. Then follow Romans with the Book of Proverbs, which reveals how to live a good, God-honoring life.
Check out my list of the Best Books of the Bible to Read First.

Languages of the Bible
Scholars generally recognize three languages as original biblical languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.
The Old Testament is written primarily in Hebrew. It is commonly known as Biblical Hebrew because it differs from Modern Hebrew.
The language of the New Testament is Koine, a form of Greek that was widely understood in the Mediterranean regions around 2,000 years ago.
However, neither Hebrew nor Greek was Jesus’ native tongue. He spoke in a third language which was used in the writing of some books of the Hebrew Bible: Aramaic.

Helpful Bible Study Tools
I became a Christian in my early twenties, about three decades ago. I literally opened a Bible for the first time and had no clue that there were Old and New Testaments.
Bible study is now my passion. I am constantly journaling. Not just for head knowledge, but so that I know how to apply God’s truths to everyday life. Hard things like forgiving when I don’t feel like it. Can you relate?
I did not know who Jesus is, much less what He has done for all who believe that He is Lord and Savior. Here are some useful resources that I put together:
- What is the Last Sentence in the Bible?
- Best Bible Reading Plans
- The Shortest Chapter in the Bible Packs a Punch
- Scripture From Scratch: New Bible Study Tool {free download}

Helpful Topical Studies in the Bible
Aside from reading through the entire Bible, it is helpful to group certain topics to help us grasp certain truths in Scripture.
I put together these useful resources that you may find helpful as you familiarize yourself with Scripture:
- 13 Best Ways to Live Out Gentleness in the Bible
- What Does the Bible Say About Forgive and Forget?
- What Does Longsuffering Mean in the Bible?
- 50 Motivational Bible Verses About Aging Gracefully

The Truth Matters
In today’s world people want to embrace their own truth and live their lives accordingly. Some choices do not line up with the Word of God. However, knowing the unwavering truth of Scripture changes everything.
When you realize how much mercy and grace Jesus extends to you on a daily basis, it affects how you treat strangers. It encourages you to be kind even when you are frustrated.
But most of all, it holds the truth that changes your eternity. Jesus Christ came to live the perfect life you couldn’t, took your sins on Him to the cross, and died on your behalf to save you from God’s wrath.
Because of Jesus, you have the hope to live eternally where there are no more tears and no more pain.

The Result
The Bible is not simply a book. It is God’s personal love letter to you. His perfect invitation to join Him in eternity through faith. And He will keep inviting you every single day.
Whether you read Scripture in book order, chronological order, from shortest to longest, or one collection of books at a time, just start reading. God will change your life through it.

Related Posts:
- Best 90-Day Chronological Bible Reading Plan {free download}
- Warriors in the Bible: 13 Essential Life Lessons to Learn
- 50 Motivational Bible Verses About Aging Gracefully
About the Author
Donna is a sought-after author, speaker, and Bible teacher. Her path from being unchurched to becoming passionate about sharing Jesus was not easy. Read her God-breathed journey: “From Unchurched to Becoming a Multi-Published Author and Sought-After Speaker.” If you want to send Donna a quick message, then visit her here.
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