One Simple Thing

Less is more.

We hear that a lot.  

It’s a trendy phrase. 

Magazines embrace the vision of “Simple Living,” of pairing down, of decluttering.

Fashion shows promote what not to wear and dressing in straight-lined classics.

It feels new, fresh, and focused. Exactly what we need, right?

But Jesus rode the front of the trend — over 2,000 years ago.

Only one thing is necessary,” He reminded Martha, as she forgot and took a hard left into crazy.

Sometimes I forget, too.

In the midst of researching, writing, and commitments, the one thing gets lost in the shuffle.

This weekend I begin filming a brand new Bible study series for LWML based on John 15, “Where Love Abides.” Amidst all the preparation, I feel like I’ve taken a hard left into crazy. Just like Martha.

And I need to be reminded through His Word, “You are worried and anxious about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one.”

Only one thing is necessary. 

That I walk in closer communion with Christ.

That I pause life’s chaotic pace to spend time at His feet.

That I tune out the crowd noise to hear His gentle whisper.

It’s simple—to take up my cross daily and follow Him.

Just that one thing.

Less is more.

In the lessening, He becomes greater.


Well, not really. But He’s getting me there.

One day at a time.






